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  1. Following enactment of Federal Electoral Law, Somalia’s international partners urge all Somali stakeholders to work together to hold elections on time

    25 February 2020... Mogadishu –  Somalia’s federal electoral law has now been approved by the House of the People and was signed ...

  2. Following enactment of Federal Electoral Law, Somalia’s international partners urge all Somali stakeholders to work together to hold elections on time

    25 February 2020... Mogadishu –  Somalia’s federal electoral law has now been approved by the House of the People and was signed ...

  3. SRSG Keating welcomes enactment of Somalia’s National Human Rights Commission law

    14 August 2016   PRESS STATEMENT 20/2016

  4. SRSG Keating welcomes enactment of Somalia’s National Human Rights Commission law

    14 August 2016 PRESS STATEMENT 20/2016

  5. Somali women call for the swift enactment of Sexual Offences Bill

    19 June 2017... Mogadishu - Somalis today marked the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict with a call for the swift enactment of the Sexual Offences Bill that was r ...

  6. 2018 Sexual Offenses Bill - Timeline towards its enactment

    2 June 2018... Download 2018_sexual_offenses_bill_-_timeline_towards_its_enactment.pdf (5.3 MB) ...

  7. UN commitment to Government and People of Somalia remains strong following attack on Villa Somalia

    9 July 2014... The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, has condemned last night’s attack on Villa Somalia, the seat of the Federal Gov ...

  8. UN commitment to Government and people of Somalia remains strong following attack on Villa Somalia

    9 July 2014...  The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, has condemned last night’s attack on Villa Somalia, the seat of the Federal Government in ...

  9. HirShabelle state to resume voting for Lower House members following temporary suspension of polls

    20 November 2016... Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Michael Keating (left) meets the HirShabelle State President, Ali ... 2016. UN Photo A deadlock in an electoral dispute in HirShabelle state was resolved today, following the intervention of the Special Representative of the UN ...

  10. Int'l partners look forward to further political progress following the High-Level Partnership Forum

    3 August 2015... (IGAD), the European Union (EU), African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the United States of America ...
