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  1. Somalia’s International partners urge rapid completion of credible Electoral process

    11 January 2022 Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* note that the National Consultative Council meeting ...

  2. International partners note midpoint of House of the People Elections and urge timely and credible conclusion of the process

    18 February 2022 Mogadishu - International partners* note the election of approximately half of the seats in the House of ...

  3. International partners note midpoint of House of the People Elections and urge timely and credible conclusion of the process

    18 February 2022 Mogadishu –  International partners* note the election of approximately half of the seats in the House of ...

  4. International partners urge Somalia’s leaders to hold crucial meeting on elections

    14 August 2020... Mogadishu   – Somalia’s international partners (listed below)* look forward to the reconvening of the ...

  5. International partners urge Somalia’s leaders to hold crucial meeting on Elections

    14 August 2020 Mogadishu –  Somalia’s international partners (listed below)* look forward to the reconvening of the ...

  6. Climate action for people and planet: The time is now

    21 April 2021 By António

  7. Climate action for people and planet: The time is now

    21 April 2021 New York –  

  8. International Partners concerned over recent events in Somalia’s South West state

    14 December 2018... Mogadishu  – The following international partners* (listed below) are concerned about the recent events in South West ...

  9. International Partners concerned over recent events in Somalia’s South West State

    14 December 2018... Mogadishu –  The following international partners* (listed below) are concerned about the recent events in South West ...

  10. International partners express concern over reported efforts to create new federal member state in Hiiraan region

    6 September 2017 The United Nations, the African Union, the European Union, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, Ethiopia, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States are closely following d
