Press statements

  • 12 Apr 2016 - PRESS STATEMENT 11/2016 The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia Michael Keating condemned in the strongest possible terms yesterday's suicide car bombing of the Banadir Regional Administration headquarters in Mogadishu.  Seven people were killed, including five civilians, and another 11 civilians were injured. A spokesman for al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, according to news reports.
  • 12 Apr 2016 - The United Nations, the African Union, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the European Union (EU), the United States, the United Kingdom, Ethiopia, Italy and Sweden commend the country’s federal and regional leaders for agreeing today the detailed modalities of the 2016 electoral process at this week’s National Leadership Forum held in Mogadishu.
  • 04 Apr 2016 - The international community welcomed the decision of the Puntland Governmetn to participate ful in he electoral process that will choose a new federal parliament later this year. Yesterday’s agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia led by Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke and the Puntland Government led by President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali “Gaas” is a very positive step for Puntland and all of Somalia.
  • 31 Mar 2016 - PRESS STATEMENT 10/2016
  • 28 Mar 2016 - The United Nations, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the European Union (EU), the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Italy welcomed  the comprehensive agreement on peace and reconciliation among the peoples of Jubbaland that was announced in a ceremony held in Kismaayo on 25 March.
  • 24 Mar 2016 - PRESS STATEMENT 09/2016 The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia Michael Keating has strongly deplored the high number of children among the al-Shabaab militants captured by Puntland security forces during the recent fighting in that part of Somalia.  
  • 21 Mar 2016 - PRESS STATEMENT 08/2016 The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Michael Keating, has strongly condemned the incursion by al-Shabaab fighters into Puntland state that began on 14 March, and praised the response by Puntland.
  • 02 Mar 2016 - The European Union Delegation to Somalia and the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) have today donated an assortment of equipment to the Somalia Police Force to help them in areas of bomb disposal and maritime and inland security which will assist the police in better performing their work and generally help to improve security.
  • 25 Feb 2016 - PRESS STATEMENT 07/2016 The third Ministerial High-Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) ended yesterday in Istanbul with a strong commitment from delegates to ensure that Somalia’s electoral process take place as scheduled in August 2016.
  • 23 Feb 2016 - PRESS STATEMENT 06/2016 Istanbul –  A high-profile event on women, peace and security on the opening day of the third ministerial High-Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) asserted the rights of Somali women to become protagonists in the politics, security and state-building agenda of their country.   
