Feature Stories

The Deputy President of Jubbaland Administration, Mohamud Sayyid Aden (middle), flanked by the German Deputy Ambassador to Somalia, Markus Bollmohr (2nd right), and the Director Rule of Law Security Institutions Group (ROLSIG), Staffan Tillander (3rd left), cuts the ribbon during the official opening of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) centre in Kismaayo, Somalia, on 1 March 2017. UN Photo

The newly elected president of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo (centre) makes an acceptance speech as the outgoing president Hasan Sheikh Mohamud listens at the Mogadishu Airport on 8 February 2017. UN Photo.

Raisedon Zenenga, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Somalia, pins a service medal on a United Nations military advisor during a medal award ceremony for UN uniformed personnel in Mogadishu on 1 February 2017. UN Photo
