Feature Stories

Sahra Yusuf Ege, the winner of a seat in the House of the People for Somaliland, gives a victory speech to delegates during Somalia's ongoing electoral process in Mogadishu, Somalia, on 25 December 2016. UN Photo.

MP-elect Hussein Isse Arab delivers a speech moments after being declared winner during the electoral process for Somaliland and the northern regions held in Mogadishu on Thursday, December 22, 2016. UN Photo.

Maria Axfeldt, Police Advisor with UNSOM in Baidoa, gives a briefing on a new policing model during a workshop training session in Baidoa, Somalia, on 6 December, 2016. UN Photo.

A female delegate casts her vote in the Somaliland election to vote a member of parliament into Somalia's House of the People in Mogadishu, Somalia, on 12 December 2016. UN Photo

Election officials explain the voting process to delegates about to vote in Somaliland's election to pick members of parliament in Mogadishu, Somalia, on 10 December 2016. Somalia is currently electing members to the House of the People, who will then go on to elect Somalia's new president along with the Upper House of parliament. UN Photo
