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  1. Somali public’s views shared in latest round of consultations on constitutional review process

    24 September 2021 Somalia - The latest round of public consultations on Somalia’s constitutional review process came to an ... week, with members of the public providing more of their views on  ...

  2. Somali government and UN appeal for $80 million for flood victims following heaviest rainfall in decades

    20 May 2018... (FGS) and the United Nations today launched an appeal for $80 million to provide immediate help for peop ...

  3. Education and peace: Indivisible tools for a shared future

    5 September 2017 Abdirizak Mohamed Aden knows all too well the effects of a prolonged civil war on a population.

  4. Galmudug leaders share views on 2016 electoral process with International community

    16 February 2016 The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) in Somalia, Michael Keating, led a delegation of ambassadors and senior representa

  5. Galmudug leaders share views on 2016 electoral process with International community

    16 February 2016 The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) in Somalia, Michael Keating, led a delegation of ambassadors and senior representatives of the international community – the African Un

  6. Leaders of Interim South West Administration share their views with International Community

    14 February 2016 Ambassadors and representatives from the international community – the African Union Mission in Somalia, the European Union, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda – led by the Special Representative

  7. Leaders of Interim South West Administration share their views with International Community

    14 February 2016 Ambassadors and representatives from the international community – the African Union Mission in Somalia, the European Union, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda – led by the Special Representative

  8. Puntlanders share their views on the electoral process with the international community

    11 February 2016 An international  delegation concluded a three-day visit to the federal member state of Puntland today.

  9. Puntlanders share their views on the electoral process with the international community

    11 February 2016 An international  delegation concluded a three-day visit to the federal member state of Puntland today.

  10. University students exchange views on Somalia’s 2016 electoral process

    5 December 2016 Students of Simad University, a premier private university in Mogadishu, Somalia, attend a lecture on 3 December 2016. UN Photo A group of second-year students is listening closely to the retired police gener...
