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  1. UN mission strongly condemns deadly attack in Mogadishu

    9 November 2018 Mogadishu –   The United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) strongly condemns the deadly attack which took place in Mogadishu today, reportedly leaving

  2. Special UN envoy to Somalia condemns indirect fire attack on UN compound in Mogadishu

    1 January 2019 PRESS STATEMENT 01/2019

  3. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on Somalia

    4 January 2019 New York - The Secretary-General deeply regrets the decision of the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia to declare the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for

  4. Special UN envoy to Somalia condemns indirect fire attack on UN compound in Mogadishu

    1 January 2019 PRESS STATEMENT 01/2019

  5. Security Council Press Statement on Somalia

    5 January 2019 New York - The members of the Security Council expressed their regret at the decision of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to declare the Special Representative of the Secret

  6. Somalia boosts peacebuilding efforts with focus on state-building priorities

    18 February 2019 Mogadishu -  The Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations today unveiled the 2019 portfolio of the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund, with $14 million earmarked

  7. International partners back Somalia’s security sector reforms

    26 March 2019 Mogadishu – The United Nations, African Union, European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States welcome the initiative by Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire to brief partners

  8. Somalia’s population, international partners must be energized to sustain country’s ‘upward trajectory,’ says senior UN official

    23 May 2019 Briefing the Council, Raisedon Zenenga, Deputy Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), reported that the country had made significant progress on its economic and security sector refo

  9. SRSG Swan reaffirms UN’s solidarity in the aftermath of Kismayo terror attack

    15 July 2019  

  10. Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha-guud James Swan oo mar kale xaqiijiyay taageerada QM ka dib weerarkii argagaxiso ee Kismaayo

    15 July 2019 PRESS STATEMENT 11/2019  
