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  1. SRSG Nicholas Kay Closing Address at the High-Level Partnership Forum

    3 August 2015 Mogadishu –  Your Excellency, Mr. President and Your Excellency, the Prime Minister; Your Excellencies in general.My goodness I am almost lost for words.

  2. Remarks by the UN Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, to the media in Garowe

    26 September 2021 [As delivered] Good afternoon.

  3. UN launches month-long training to reduce the threat of explosive devices in Somalia

    19 September 2024 Mogadishu  – As Somalia advances in its journey towards self-reliance and sustainability in national security, the threat of Improvised Explosive Devices

  4. On international day, UN calls for Somali women’s enhanced political participation and applauds Somali women on frontlines to defeat pandemic

    8 March 2021... Women’s Day, the United Nations in Somalia commends Somali women for their immense contributions to peace and development in the ...

  5. IFIYE Centre: A beacon of hope for Somali culture and creative arts

    7 May 2018 Mogadishu –  When he was pursuing his undergraduate studies at the University of Somalia, Mohamed Abdirizak Farah had no facility where he could research and prepare his assignments

  6. UN envoy pays tribute to Somali women on International Women’s Day

    8 March 2018... Somalia, Michael Keating, praised the vital contribution of Somali women i ...

  7. Aweys Haji Nur: Helping Somali boys today become tomorrow’s Somali football stars

    20 April 2022 Mogadishu  – Like so many other boys around the world, when Aweys Haji Nur was young, he dreamed of becoming a professional footballer.

  8. Abdinasir Abdi: Helping improve education standards in Somalia

    8 September 2018 Most graduates in business tend to choose a career involving accounts, finance and marketing, to name but a few. Not so for Abdinasir Muhumed Abdi.

  9. Transcript of End of Mission Press Conference by Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in Somalia Isha Dyfan

    19 November 2023 (Edited for clarity) Good morning members of the press, Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

  10. Transcript of End of Mission Press Conference by Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in Somalia Isha Dyfan

    19 November 2023 (Edited for clarity) Good morning members of the press, Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,
