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  1. UNSOM holds meetings on the impact of Somali traditional justice system on women

    25 July 2017... a series of consultative meetings with a cross-section of Somali women leaders to collect their ...

  2. INTERVIEW: Architecture around Somalia’s electoral process is finitely more robust than in 2012 – UN envoy

    7 November 2016... Michael Keating, speaks during a meeting with a section of Somali women leaders on the political participation of women, held in ... as it continues to make significant strides in its peace process after two decades of ...

  3. Somali government will award 1,000 scholarships to boost student enrolment at National University

    29 July 2017... to boost student enrolment at the country’s premier public university under a ...

  4. Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdullahi: “I have a dream to address the needs of visually impaired persons through education”

    24 April 2022 Mogadishu - Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdullahi was born in the rural area of the Mudug region, Puntland, in Somalia, in 1992, to a family of pastoralists.

  5. African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and United Nations hold consultations in Garowe

    18 December 2019 Garowe –  Representatives of the African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and United Nations visited Puntland today in the fourth and last of a series of con

  6. African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and United Nations hold consultations in Garowe

    18 December 2019 Garowe   –  Representatives of the African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and United Nations visited Puntland today in the fourth and

  7. Recruitment process for NIEC & BFC Commissioners kicks off

    24 March 2015 Mogadishu  - As required by the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia and in line with the recently passed laws on the National Independent E

  8. African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and United Nations hold consultations in Kismayo

    17 December 2019 Kismayo  – Representatives of the African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and United Nations visited Jubaland today in the third of a series of co

  9. African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and United Nations hold consultations in Kismayo

    17 December 2019

  10. UN75 – An opportunity for Somalis to help shape Global Priorities

    2 September 2020 The United Nations turns 75 this year. Somalia has been a proud member of the UN for 60 of those years. 
