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  1. With potentially historic year ahead for Somalia, delegation of AU, EU, IGAD and UN holds consultations with stakeholders in Kismayo

    17 December 2019... Kismayo – On the third stop of a series of consultations in Somalia’s Federal Member States, a senior delegation of some ...

  2. UNSG & World Bank President arrive in Mogadishu, pledge support for regional peace & development

    29 October 2014 Mogadishu – United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, and World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim, arrived in Mogadishu to pledge support for Somalia’s transition and for eff

  3. Statement by Special Representative of the Secretary-General James Swan to the Security Council on the Situation in Somalia

    25 May 2021 Mr. President, Distinguished Members of the Council,

  4. Amid growing famine risk in Somalia, UN humanitarian visit in Galkayo highlights dire conditions of displaced Somalis

    6 April 2022 Galkayo  – On a visit to the city of Galkayo in northern Somalia today, top United Nations humanitarian officials heard first-hand of the dire conditions that local commun

  5. A round-up of activities of the UN system in Somalia in March 2024

    1 April 2024

  6. Human Rights Short Film Competition in Somalia

    6 April 2023 Summary

  7. Statement by Special Representative of the Secretary-General James Swan to the Security Council on the situation in Somalia

    23 May 2022 (As delivered, New York/Mogadishu, 23 May 2022)   Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Council,

  8. Statement by Special Representative of the Secretary-General James Swan to the Security Council on the situation in Somalia

    23 May 2022 (As delivered, 23 May 2022)   New York/Mogadishu –  Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Council,

  9. COMMUNIQUE Ministerial High-Level Partnership Forum, 23-24 February 2016, Istanbul

    24 February 2016 Istanbul –    Representatives from 46 countries and 11 international organisations gathered in Istanbul on 23 and 24 February 2016 to participate in the third

  10. Remarks by the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Catriona Laing, to the media, during her visit to Garowe, Puntland

    11 November 2023 (Edited for clarity) Thank you so much, Excellency. Ladies and gentlemen,
