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  1. International partners urge the parties in Galmudug to prioritize reconciliation

    2 May 2017 International partners (United Nations, African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental ...

  2. International partners’ visit to Kismayo focuses on Somalia’s elections

    3 October 2021... Kismayo  — A delegation made up of some of Somalia’s partners was in Jubaland today with the aim of reaffirming the international community’s collective support ...

  3. International partners stress expectation of early presentation of agreed electoral model

    19 January 2016 In a meeting with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Omar Abdisrashid Ali Sharmaarke, and Speaker Moham

  4. International partners stress expectation of early presentation of agreed electoral model

    19 January 2016 In a meeting with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Omar Abdisrashid Ali Sharmaarke, and Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari yesterday morning, the United Nations, Inter-Governmental Authori

  5. omalia’s International partners urge political consensus to ensure timely elections, advance national priorities, and preserve stability

    28 July 2020... Mogadishu   –  Somalia’s international partners* express their concern and their strong hope that recent ...

  6. International partners appeal to Somali leaders to reach agreement

    6 April 2021... As Somalis prepare to welcome the Holy Month of Ramadan, international partners* express hope that the basic tenets of reflectio ...

  7. International partners appeal to Somali leaders to reach agreement

    6 April 2021... Somalis prepare to welcome the Holy Month of Ramadan, international partners* express hope that the basic tenets of reflection, tolerance, ...

  8. International Partners Commend the People of Puntland on Historic Elections

    22 May 2023...  Ahead of district council elections in Puntland on 25 May, Somalia’s international partners* commend the people of the Federal Member State of ...

  9. International Partners Commend the People of Puntland on Historic Elections

    22 May 2023...  Ahead of district council elections in Puntland on 25 May, Somalia’s international partners* commend the people of the Federal Member State of ...

  10. Somalia’s International partners urge rapid completion of credible Electoral process

    11 January 2022 Mogadishu  – Somalia’s international partners* note that the National Consultative Council meeting ...
