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  1. UN in Somalia confirms that an employee of a commercial contractor has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus

    27 March 2020 Mogadishu –   PRESS STATEMENT 04/2020

  2. Statement on fostering consensus and reconciliation 

    15 June 2020 Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners (listed below) welcome the proposal by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmajo’ on 14 June to convene a meeting between the Federa

  3. Fostering consensus and reconciliation

    15 June 2020 Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners (listed below) welcome the proposal by President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmajo’ on 14 June

  4. International partners urge Somalia’s leaders to hold crucial meeting on elections

    14 August 2020 Mogadishu   – Somalia’s international partners (listed below)* look forward to the reconvening of the Federal Government and

  5. United Nations condemns deadly terrorist attack on Mogadishu hotel

    17 August 2020 Mogadishu  – The United Nations in Somalia strongly condemns the terrorist attack on the Elite Hotel in Mogadishu on Sunday, which reportedly kil

  6. International partners encourage participation by all leaders in crucial elections meeting and offer to facilitate implementation of outcome

    19 August 2020 Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners (listed below) welcome the arrival of the Federal Government leadership and that of several Federal Member States in Dhusamareb, on 15

  7. International partners encourage participation by all leaders in crucial elections meeting and offer to facilitate implementation of outcome

    19 August 2020 Mogadishu –  Somalia’s international partners (listed below) welcome the arrival of the Federal Government leadership and that of several Federal Member States in Dhusamareb, on 15 August, to

  8. United Nations condemns deadly terrorist attack on Mogadishu hotel

    17 August 2020 Mogadishu  – The United Nations in Somalia strongly condemns the terrorist attack on the Elite Hotel in Mogadishu on Sunday, which reportedly

  9. International partners urge Somalia’s leaders to hold crucial meeting on Elections

    14 August 2020 Mogadishu –  Somalia’s international partners (listed below)* look forward to the reconvening of the Federal Government and Federal Member States leaders in Dhusamareb

  10. On third anniversary, United Nations remembers victims of deadly Mogadishu attack

    14 October 2020 Mogadishu –  On the third anniversary of the 14 October 2017 suicid
