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  1. "The world must act now to stop this," UN chief Guterres says on visit to drought-hit Somalia

    7 March 2017 Women displaced by drought waiting to meet Secretary-General António Guterres during his visit to Baidoa, Somalia, where the focus was on famine and cholera. Photo: UN News/Laura Gelbert Hearing the heart...

  2. Statement by SRSG Kay to the 392nd meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council

    26 August 2013 Statement by Mr. Nicholas Kay, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission to Somalia (UNSOM)

  3. A round-up of activities of the UN system in Somalia in December 2020

    30 December 2020

  4. Joint statement from international partners on the need for ongoing dialogue among Somali leaders

    15 December 2020... Partnership Forum enabled all involved to openly exchange views on current developments in the country and to agree on the 2021 Mutual ...

  5. Wrapping up two-day visit, UN chief reaffirms world body’s support for Somalia’s progress and development

    12 April 2023 Mogadishu  – Wrapping up his solidarity visit to Somalia, the United Nations chief today reaffirmed the world body’s commitment to supporting the Horn of Africa country as it contin

  6. Civil society groups review human rights progress in Somalia

    26 March 2015 Mogadishu  - At least 27 representatives from civil society organizations and human rights activists in Somalia concluded a two-day consultative workshop in Mogadishu on Tuesday, to

  7. The Somali government commits to reconcile and unify the country

    13 June 2017 Mogadishu - The Federal Government of Somalia has reiterated its commitment to unify the country to achieve lasting peace and stability.

  8. Speech by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud: Implementing Vision 2016: Inclusive Politics in Action

    4 October 2014 New York  - My co-chairs: Excellencies Dr Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations. Ladies and Gentlemen.

  9. Young female journalist uses the power of media to advocate for peace in Somalia

    28 August 2017 Leyla Osman Mohamud talks passionately about the role of media in achieving peace in Somalia, but her actions talk even louder than her words.

  10. International partners call for Somali leaders to reach agreement

    21 March 2021 Mogadishu –  International partners* welcome the arrival of participants for the summit of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member State leaders, to be held in the protected area
