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  1. Expressing hope for Somalia’s upward trajectory, delegation of AU, EU, IGAD and UN holds consultations with stakeholders in Garowe

    18 December 2019 Garowe – Closing a series of consultative meetings across Somalia’s Federal Member States, a senior delegation of representatives from some of the country’s internatio

  2. Somalia's international partners welcome the Federal Government’s decision on an electoral model for 2016

    28 January 2016 Somalia’s international partners welcome the decision taken by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) on an elector

  3. Somalia's international partners welcome the Federal Government’s decision on an electoral model for 2016

    28 January 2016... of Somalia (FGS) on an electoral model for the electoral process to be conducted later this year.  The United N ...

  4. On visit to Somalia, UN Women Chief hails political empowerment of women in South West state

    19 August 2018 Baidoa – Speaking in regional Somalia today, the top United Nations official for gender equality and women’s empowerment highlighted efforts made at the national and local levels t

  5. A round-up of activities of the UN system in Somalia in June 2022

    3 July 2022

  6. UN envoy Keating briefs the Security Council on the situation of Somalia on 13 September 2018

    13 September 2018 Madam President,

  7. A round-up of activities of the UN system in Somalia in August 2023

    31 August 2023

  8. Opportunity for Somali youth -- call for applications

    24 October 2018 Call for Applications

  9. Communique of the London Conference on Somalia

    11 May 2017 The London Conference on Somalia took place at Lancaster House on 11 May 2017, co-chaired by the UK, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the United Nations and the African Union, and attended by 42 fr

  10. Communique of the London conference on Somalia

    11 May 2017 The London Conference on Somalia took place at Lancaster House on 11 May 2017, co-chaired by the UK, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the United Nations and the African Union, and attended by 42 fr
