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  1. UN envoy encourages Somalia’s speedy ratification of treaty on persons with disabilities

    10 September 2018 Mogadishu – The top United Nations official for Somalia has encouraged the country’s authorities to proceed quickly with the ratification of a treaty safe-guarding and promoting th

  2. Abdullahi Mire: "Education is the midwife of peace and stability in Somalia”

    16 March 2024 Mogadishu –  At just 37 years of age, Abdullahi Mire has already lived something of a full and remarkable life.

  3. SRSG Nicholas Kay's briefing to the UN Security Council

    18 October 2013 New York  – Mr President, Members of the Council, thank you very much for this opportunity to brief the Security Council for the first time since assuming my appointment as SRSG for

  4. SRSG Nicholas Kay's briefing to the UN Security Council

    18 October 2013 New York –  Mr President, Members of the Council, thank you very much for this opportunity to brief the Security Council for the first time since assuming my appointment as SRSG for Somalia.

  5. Remarks by UN envoy James Swan to the Security Council on the situation in Somalia on 21 November 2019

    21 November 2019 Madam President, Members of the Council:

  6. Halima-Sadiya Abdullahi: Veteran Somali journalist helping her community and women colleagues

    1 May 2020... the age of 30, Halima-Sadiya Abdullahi is already a veteran Somali journalist and well-known to the public in her home state of ...

  7. On first visit to Somalia, UN Envoy on Youth hails role played by young people in country's future

    19 December 2017 Mogadishu – What’s a 27-year-old Sri Lankan woman doing in the middle of Somalia’s capital of Mogadishu, a city rebuilding after many years of chaos and civil war?

  8. SRSG Nicholas Kay press briefing in Geneva

    24 October 2013 Geneva  - Nicholas Kay, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia said that he was in Geneva on the occasion of th

  9. SRSG Nicholas Kay press briefing in Geneva

    24 October 2013 Geneva –  Nicholas Kay, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia said that he was in Geneva on the occasion of the Human Ri

  10. SRSG Nicholas Kay officially meets Somali President, 8 June 2013

    12 June 2013
