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  1. Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Mr. Nicholas Haysom, to the UN Security Council on 3 January 2019

    3 January 2019 Thank you Mr. President, I arrived in Somalia on 3 October and have been well received by prominent officials of the Federal Government and of the regional states.

  2. Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Mr. Nicholas Haysom, to the UN Security Council on 3 January 2019

    3 January 2019 Mogadishu –  Thank you Mr. President, I arrived in Somalia on 3 October and have been well received by prominent officials of the Federal Government and of the regional states.

  3. Activities

    1 September 2014

  4. Communiqué Somalia Partnership Forum

    5 December 2017 Somalia Partnership Forum Preamble

  5. At Mogadishu graduation, University of Peace students encouraged to contribute to Somalia’s peacebuilding

    21 September 2021... Coinciding with the International Day of Peace, a group of Somali students today graduated with master’s degrees in subjects with ...

  6. Somali youth express satisfaction with the ongoing electoral process

    7 December 2016... stability of the country. I am pleased with the electoral process. The difference between 2012 and the current process, is in its ... Thirty-two-year-old Ibrahim Dahir Hussein was one of the Somali youth who had lost hope in the country’s politics. ...

  7. On a drought assessment visit to Somaliland, Deputy UN Envoy highlights the need for support to drought-hit communities

    21 February 2022 Hargeisa – The United Nations Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia

  8. End of Year Statement from UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia Michael Keating

    26 December 2017 Somalis face some of the toughest living conditions in the world. Millions are struggling to cope with the consequences of drought. Insecurity is a fact of life for everyone.

  9. International partners call for completion of Parliamentary process and impartial Election of Speakers and President

    18 March 2022... Mogadishu - International partners* note that more than 80 per cent of the House of the People seats were completed as of the deadline ...

  10. Mohamed Ali Hassan: A role model for youth seeking a political voice in Somalia’s South West State

    8 September 2020 Baidoa  –  Somalia has one the world’s biggest ‘youth bulges’ - that is, around 60 percent of its estimated population of some 15.9 million peo
