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  1. In Kismayo on first regional visit, UN envoy encourages Somalis to solve problems together

    29 October 2018 With his first planned trip to a regional centre coinciding with tensions between the federal and state governments, the new United Na

  2. Fadumo Ali Iman: Helping Somali girls access education and training for better futures

    2 September 2023... and violence. Its youth are playing a crucial role in this process. ...

  3. International partners visit Garowe for discussions on local and federal elections

    26 September 2021 Garowe  - Continuing their regular contact with the leaders of Somalia’s Federal Member States, representatives of some of the country’s international partners today visited Pun...

  4. Strengthened advocacy on COVID-19 and COVAX roll-out: UNSOM continues to support Somali journalists

    3 May 2021 Mogadishu – How can Somali journalists help in the fight against COVID-19? What role can they play ...

  5. Remarks by the UN Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, to the media in Garowe

    25 January 2021 Good Afternoon, Mr. President, representatives of the media.

  6. Achievements and potential of Somali women celebrated on International Day for Women in Maritime

    18 May 2023... Mogadishu –  The achievements and potential of Somali women in their country’s maritime sector were celebrated today at an ...

  7. Abdisalam Mohamud Shire: A radio journalist out to inform and change perceptions of people with disabilities

    13 February 2021 Kismayo –  Abdisalam Mohamud Shire is a presenter and journalist with Radio Kismaayo, in Somalia’s southern Federal Member State of Jubaland. 

  8. A round-up of activities of the UN system in Somalia in November 2022

    30 November 2022

  9. International partners call for Somali leaders to reach agreement

    21 March 2021 Mogadishu – International partners* welcome the arrival of participants for the summit of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member State leaders, to be held in the prot

  10. Jubbaland’s key to electoral success is patience, dialogue, independence, tight security

    2 December 2016 Mohamud Hassan Elmi, Deputy Chair of the Jubbaland State Level Indirect Electoral Independent Team says they benefited greatly from the support of the state authorities which gave them the independence to conduct their work unhind...
