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  1. Somalia’s international partners gravely concerned over clashes near Tukaraq, call for ceasefire

    24 May 2018 Somalia’s international partners are gravely concerned over the latest armed clashes taking place today ...

  2. Somalia’s international partners gravely concerned over clashes near Tukaraq, call for ceasefire

    24 May 2018 Somalia’s international partners are gravely concerned over the latest armed clashes taking place today ...

  3. Somalia’s international partners on Jubaland’s electoral process

    21 August 2019... and preserving unity among the communities of Jubaland, Somalia’s international partners (Canada, Ethiopia, European Union, Finland, ...

  4. Political, security and humanitarian matters in focus on international partners’ visit to South West State

    13 September 2022... Baidoa  – A high-level group representing some of Somalia’s main international partners today met with South West State’s leadership to ...

  5. International partners back Somalia’s security sector reforms

    26 March 2019... European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States welcome the initiative by Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire to brief partners ...

  6. Somalia’s international partners statement on Constitutional Review

    31 March 2024 Mogadishu  – Somalia’s international partners* commend the efforts of the Federal Government of ...

  7. Somalia’s international partners statement on Constitutional Review

    31 March 2024 Mogadishu  – Somalia’s international partners* commend the efforts of the Federal Government of ...

  8. On Puntland visit, international partners discuss holding of direct local elections

    18 October 2022... the focus of a visit today by representatives from some of Somalia’s main international partners to the coun ...

  9. Somali government and international partners meet to improve security and rule of law

    1 December 2020... security and the rule of law for the long-term future of Somalia was the focus of a high-level meeting today which brought together top ...

  10. International partners urge the parties in Galmudug to prioritize reconciliation

    2 May 2017 International partners (United Nations, African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental ...
