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  1. Somalia’s COVID-19 response: Internally displaced people especially at risk

    23 June 2020 Kismayo  – Aisha Maalim returned to Kismayo in southern Somalia in March 2019, after having spent many year

  2. Consultation meeting on Somalia’s new constitution closes in Hirshabelle

    3 March 2020 Jowhar –  A three-day public consultation ended today in Jowhar, at which representatives from all ...

  3. Hassan Mohamed Elmi: Leaving a comfort zone for a challenge to help Somali youth

    15 May 2018 Hassan Mohamed Elmi is passionate about youth empowerment and what it can do for Somalia.

  4. Mogadishu youths call for a peaceful and vibrant capital city

    13 October 2016 Somali youths called for a peaceful and vibrant capital city capable of  fostering economic prosperity at an event held in the Somali capital today. ...

  5. 180 Somali Journalists receive United Nations-backed training on reporting elections and women’s 30 per cent quota

    8 October 2021... with electoral preparations, the month of September saw a round of United Nations-backed training completed for Somali journalists on reporting on ...

  6. Key role of Somali youth in peace efforts highlighted in meeting with Head of UN Peacebuilding

    16 September 2019 Mogadishu – Somali youth representatives were recently told of the importance that the ...

  7. Somalia observes maritime sector role in post-COVID-19 economic recovery

    25 September 2020 Mogadishu – With its key location along main international shipping routes and 3,300 kilometres of coastline, Somalia’s potential as a key

  8. Photo Story – An aspiring young Somali journalist UNcovers the world of international communications

    4 November 2023 Mogadishu  — The International Day of the Girl Child was recently marked around the world with the aim of promoting girls’ empowerment and the recognition of their leadership potent

  9. Somali youths discuss their role in traditional dispute resolution mechanisms

    13 August 2017 Baidoa - The involvement of young people in conflict prevention, social justice and sustainable peace in Somalia featured prominently in a youth forum conducted on the sidelines of

  10. Meeting Somali refugees in Dadaab, UN Envoy expresses solidarity and highlights progress in Somalia

    12 April 2018... - Meeting residents of the world’s largest camp for Somali refugees, located in north-eastern Kenya, the top United Nations ...
