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  1. A round-up of activities of the UN system in Somalia in October 2022

    1 November 2022

  2. Mohamed Ali Hassan: A role model for youth seeking a political voice in Somalia’s South West State

    8 September 2020... Baidoa  –  Somalia has one the world’s biggest ‘youth bulges’ - that is, around 60 ...

  3. Youth engagement vital to advancing peace and political progress in Somalia, says UN envoy

    30 July 2019 The United Nations envoy to Somalia, James Swan speaks during a dialogue organised by the world body for ... Mogadishu -  The United Nations in Somalia will continue to help young people develop initiatives to ensure their ...

  4. Somali prison officers awareness training kicks off in Mogadishu

    26 March 2014... was launched today in Mogadishu following a joint initiative between the Federal Government of Somalia, United ...

  5. Somalia Partnership Forum ends with Somali government and international partners agreeing on priority actions

    2 October 2019 Mogadishu – The Somalia Partnership Forum concluded today in Mogadishu, with attendees taking ...

  6. International partners express concerns over political delays in Somalia

    22 January 2015... (IGAD), the European Union (EU), African Union Mission in Somalia, the United ...

  7. Joint statement from international partners on the need for ongoing dialogue among Somali leaders

    15 December 2020... Mogadishu – The recent Somalia Partnership Forum enabled all involved to openly exchange views on ...

  8. Aways Ahmed Sardheye: A youthful Puntland lawmaker advocating for youth

    19 December 2019... for a year now, and in his time as a representative in Somalia’s north-eastern Federal Member State he has been a voice for the ...

  9. Remarks by the UN Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, to the media in Garowe

    25 January 2021 Good Afternoon, Mr. President, representatives of the media.

  10. Somalia’s international partners on the Galmudug reconciliation conference

    7 September 2019... Mogadishu  – The group of Somalia’s international partners listed below* welcome the opening of the Galmudug ...
