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  1. International partners on the elections

    29 January 2021... Mogadishu  – International partners* welcome the nomination of State-level Electoral Implementation ...

  2. Hassan Mohamed Elmi: Leaving a comfort zone for a challenge to help Somali youth

    15 May 2018... is passionate about youth empowerment and what it can do for Somalia. ...

  3. Somali youth seek greater participation in country’s political transformation

    4 November 2016... The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Michael Keating, sharing a moment with young Somali youths at an event aimed at empowering youth in Somalia. The event was hosted by UNSOM and took place in Mogadishu, Somalia, on ...

  4. Key role of Somali youth in peace efforts highlighted in meeting with Head of UN Peacebuilding

    16 September 2019 Mogadishu – Somali youth representatives were recently told of the importance that the United Nations attaches to young people’s role in national peacebuilding initiatives, and how

  5. Information note on High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations

    16 June 2015 New York  – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations in October 2014 to review the current state of UN peace opera

  6. Information note on High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations

    16 June 2015 New York – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations in October 2014 to review the current state of UN peace operations.

  7. Meeting Somali refugees in Dadaab, UN Envoy expresses solidarity and highlights progress in Somalia

    12 April 2018... largest camp for Somali refugees, located in north-eastern Kenya, the top United Nations official for Somalia today expressed his solidari ...

  8. Somali Information Ministry: More alignment needed between Government and international partners on public awareness programmes

    20 August 2019... alignment and coordination of communications efforts in Somalia, and the benefits of such cooperation, were among the main points of ...

  9. Press remarks of the UN Secretary-General on the conclusion of his visit to Somalia

    12 April 2023... to thank President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the people of Somalia for their warm welcome. ...

  10. Press remarks of the UN Secretary-General on the conclusion of his visit to Somalia

    12 April 2023... to thank President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the people of Somalia for their warm welcome. ...
