Press statements

  • 27 Oct 2013 - Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has learnt with deep sorrow of the death of Mohamed Mohamud Tima’adde, a reporter with Universal TV, on the evening of 26 October. [Press Statement]
  • 27 Oct 2013 - Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has learnt with deep sorrow of the death of Mohamed Mohamud Tima’adde, a reporter with Universal TV, on the evening of 26 October. Mohamed succumbed to injuries he sustained on 22 October, when he was ambushed and shot several times in Mogadishu’s Wadajir district by unknown assailants who managed to escape.
  • 24 Oct 2013 - Geneva – Nicholas Kay, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia said that he was in Geneva on the occasion of the Human Rights Council's High-Level Dialogue on Somalia. Mr. Kay strongly condemned the recent terrorist attack in Nairobi and expressed condolences to the families of the victims. Despite that tragedy, Somalia had the best opportunity in a generation to move forward towards peace and eventual prosperity.
  • 24 Oct 2013 - New York – I refer to Security Council resolutions 2093 (2013) and 2111 (2013), by which the Council requested me to set benchmarks for when it might be appropriate to deploy a United Nations peacekeeping operation to Somalia, work closely with the African Union in a joint review of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and present options and recommendations to the Council by 10 October 2013.
  • 18 Oct 2013 - New York – Mr President, Members of the Council, thank you very much for this opportunity to brief the Security Council for the first time since assuming my appointment as SRSG for Somalia. I am particularly glad to be here today with Ambassador Annadif of the African Union, representing our close collaboration as we discharge our two mandates from this Council.
  • 18 Oct 2013 - Brussels – Secretary-General's message to High-Level Conference on a New Deal for Somalia. Delivered by Nicholas Kay, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia. I send my best wishes to this Conference and especially to His Excellency the President of Somalia as he and his Government continue the hard work of charting a new path of stability and hope.
  • 12 Oct 2013 - New York – The United Nations Security Council issued a press statement on Somalia.
  • 12 Oct 2013 - New York – The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia condemns in the strongest terms the violent attack on a vehicle in which Ahmad Muhammad Islam Madobe, leader of the interim Jubba administration was traveling. Ahmad Muhammad Islam is reported to have escaped serious injury however his bodyguards and innocent civilians were killed when his car was hit by another vehicle carrying explosives in the port city of Kismayo, southern Somalia.
  • 10 Oct 2013 - Mogadishu – The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia today congratulates the president, government and people of Somalia on the first anniversary of the Federal Government.
  • 13 Sep 2013 - New York – The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia condemns in the strongest terms the violent attack on a vehicle in which Ahmad Mohamed Islaan Madobe, leader of the interim Jubba administration was traveling. Ahmad Mohamed Islaan is reported to have escaped serious injury however his bodyguards and innocent civilians were killed when his car was hit by another vehicle carrying explosives in the port city of Kismayo, southern Somalia.
